
2023 Vendor Application

Apply TODAY to be a vendor for the 2023 market!

3/12/20232 min read

We are accepting applications for full and half seasons.

For any questions, email

Visit this form to apply to be a vendor for our 2023 season.

Are you interested in being a vendor at the Bellevue Farmers Market for the 2023 season? Hooray! Please fill out the form below and read and agree to the rules and regulations of the market (page 2). We'll be in touch once your application has been submitted! Please note, your market space is not confirmed or guaranteed until we let you know that you have been accepted and your payment is received.

Additionally, depending on your product, certificates and licenses may be required for vending at the Market. Contact us with any questions if you're unsure about which certificates and licenses may apply to you.

Once you are approved for the market, please mail copies of the applicable items below to our address (page 2) or email them to so we can keep them on file for the duration of the market. Not supplying the appropriate paperwork may result in not being able to set up at the market.

1. Proof of insurance as specified in the Rules and Regulations (Page 2). A certificate must remain current and on file with the market.

2. Sales Tax Certificate, if you sell taxable items.

3. All appropriate permits as required for products being sold: i.e. health permits, nursery license, dairy and meat permits, etc.

4. Copy of current certificate for organic goods must be placed on file with the market.

All documents should be emailed to

Please contact us at with any questions or concerns.

The Bellevue Farmers Market strives to be the premier local food, wellness, and community gathering destination for the North Boroughs and surrounding communities. We connect the community with local farmers and locally crafted foods and goods in a mutually beneficial way. By supporting the sale of a variety of fresh, locally grown food as well as hand crafted items sourced from local ingredients, we enhance the quality of life in and around the North Boroughs and contribute to a vibrant and thriving town center. Our aim is to support the health and well-being of residents and promote a robust regional food system to better ensure access to fresh food for everyone.

The Bellevue Farmers Market will take place in Bayne Park every Wednesday from 3-7 PM starting June 7, 2023 and running through October 25, 2023.

We offer single (10'x10') and double (10'x20') selling spaces and the ability to attend for the whole season or on a part-time basis. We're able to work with you on your specific needs, so get in touch if you don't see the particular option you're looking for in regards to attendance or booth size.

The communities that our market serves include: Bellevue, Avalon, Brighton Heights, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights, Emsworth, and Ross Township. In addition to our growing list of vendors and amazing free community offerings during the market, Bayne Park also offers a huge green space, a library, a playground, and a skate park, and even a walkable central business district, so we enjoy great attendance and community involvement.